
It is the green education and community project of Campus Bemke, a space for creative work, experimentation and the search for new environmental solutions for those who want to live healthily and use nature wisely.

At FarmLab, we combine horticultural practice with education and community building to support people in finding new solutions related to environmental change. Our mission is to spread awareness of the relationship between healthiness of the soil and human health to promote understanding of the environmental impact of our activities.

Our vision is to create a place where people can develop environmental awareness and live healthier lives in respect for nature. Through our programmes, workshops and community events, together we foster an attitude of environmental responsibility and a sense of empowerment.

FarmLab covers several key areas

Community garden

The community gardens on Campus Bemke are a space where people can meet, relax and experiment with growing edible and ornamental plants. It is an open space for the school community, the local community and all visitors to the Campus, providing opportunities for relaxation, horticulture and participation in workshops on healthy eating and gardening.

Educational garden

The educational garden is a place run by the school and kindergarten community of Campus Bemke. It is here, in a natural environment, that classes in various subjects take place, using the garden as a workshop. Students have the opportunity to carry out their own gardening projects and use the educational greenhouse. The garden is also a meeting place for young biology and horticulture enthusiasts from the biological interest group and the Gardener's Club.

Model regenerative farm

At Campus Bemke, we run a regenerative farm, occupying 12 hectares of land, used for experimental work based on understanding soil processes. We combine natural cultivation and breeding methods with modern scientific knowledge to support sustainable farming practices. This is the answer to today's agricultural challenges. By reducing the use of fossil fuels, water, artificial fertilisers and sprays, and increasing soil fertility through the process of CO2 storage, we aim to close element cycles. Following nature's example, we are moving from a linear to a circular economy, maximising the potential of hitherto unused organic waste.